Thursday, March 7, 2024


  "The Ethereal Elixir" is a story about a young Prince named Sairek Ceareste who leaves his sheltered life in his castle to explore the open world. He goes out on a journey to find out the true circumstances of his mother's illness, an illness which had killed her when he was still only a toddler.
...Or is he really? His own doubts leave him to believe that he is only making excuses for himself and is merely trying to escape the daunting responsibilities of needing to run a country—a responsibility he curses on a daily basis, a responsibility given to him by nothing more than being born in 'royal blood', in his eyes.

In his journey, he will meet and befriend a young girl from the countryside who will teach him how different one's life can be by just being born in different circumstances and who helps educate him much about not only the world, but what being ‘loyal’ means. Loyal, not in just a subject who will follow him for being born with the title he has, but someone who will teach him what the true meaning of friendship is and stays with him for who he is, rather than what he is.
Sairek will also meet another boy who is kind in heart... A demon; cursed by not only his birth for being born in the human world, but also cursed by being the type of demon he is, making his circumstances incredibly difficult in his environment - grasping the difficulties of struggling with what he is versus who he is. Sairek will realize just how cruel fate can be, not only from this demon he befriends, but eventually from his own circumstances as well. Although two completely different figures in the terms of society and even in biology, Sairek recognizes just how similar the both of them truly are to each other despite physically, being worlds apart.
Sairek will meet one more boy, a mercenary who struggles with his own identity in life and faces extreme hardships on a near daily basis as he tries to puzzle who he was before he had forgotten, but through that search, becomes enshrouded in an event that causes Sairek to question the purpose of nobility in general. Through him, Sairek struggles with decisions of what is considered “right” versus what is considered “good”, and must question what he defines “justice” to be.

He is a Prince, "shackled by the binds of nobility". He is fated to run a country by birth regardless of whether he likes it or not. Such grand responsibilities must eventually be faced, or they may come invading into his life; harming not only his subjects, but also ripping away from what he has grown to treasure most on his enlightening journey. Sairek, ignorant and sheltered from his time living in his protected castle, goes out on his journey and learns just how shady, cut-throat and unforgiving the world can truly be.

He must decide at his young age just how much his responsibilities and what is expected of him to his kingdom can test the bonds of his relationships with his friends, subjects and even himself. Should he surrender 'who he is' versus 'what he is' to appease his responsibility to his country, or does he throw it all away and doom his country selfishly for himself and his friends? Should he shake the foundations of the world order to appease the mass public, or toss it into disarray because it is the “right” thing to do?





Please be warned, this story contains very mature themes that may not be suitable, or may be offensive to some readers. These themes do involve minors. Ethereal Elixir while being light-hearted at times and isn't dark and 'edgy' for the sake of just being 'dark and edgy', is nonetheless, a serious story about a boy and his friends who do experience extreme hardships, just like sometimes we may experience in real life. People do crimes, do disgusting things, have offensive values and abuse others. Children also makes mistakes, and sometimes have to learn the hard way from those mistakes. Just like in real life, life can be light-hearted and joyous at times and some events may lead to very dark or even criminal situations as well.

While I want to spoil as little as possible in the synopsis or this warning, as well in that these themes are not the main driving point of the story, the story still involves minors that are on the cusp of being teenagers in a fantasy world and will experience situations of:
Violence, death, scenes of sexual nature such as recognizing one's own sexuality, questioning one’s sexual orientation and learning what one’s body can do.
Other scenes contain abuse and contain topics and plots related to that of racial differences (albeit, with humans and demons).
Just like how we struggle with some problems in the real world and there are people that do truly horrible crimes, this fantasy world has its own problems and struggles that these characters must face, too.
This is not a story that everyone will be comfortable with and I understand that. If any of these themes may be offensive or triggering to you, then I would strongly suggest turning away, and I advise to remember that despite how uncomfortable or offensive some scenes may be, that this is fiction. It is not real and no real persons and locations are involved with my writing.

All views, opinions or otherwise that are written are, not written to express the authors' own views and opinions! They are written explicitly for each fictional characters' views and opinions themselves. The characters and the setting itself is written in such a way to be intentionally and critically flawed in many areas!

I strongly urge you be at least 18 or older to read the content that is written here. While the story isn't nowhere near completion at the time of writing this and may be subject to change, what content in the story that is currently there is written with an adult reader in mind and already includes some of the above themes.

Other than that, I hope you enjoy the story. This story is 100% free. I have not put up any ads or anything as I do not wish to monetize off of some of the heavier and taboo themes within the story (if there are any ads, that's Blogger's doing - not mine). I simply want to write and share my story that I am creating with the world.

No parts of this story may be republished, profited or posted anywhere else without the author's express permission.






Current State:

An Update:

Since May at the time of me writing this, my life has not been so great. One of my cats died out of nowhere on May 4th, and then another one fought hard against an infection but unfortunately succumbed on June 29th. Understandably, this has been emotionally hard on me. Losing half of my pets who I've had for at least 15+ years, since I was still a kid in less than two months has been very traumatizing. I treat my cats as if they were my children. I hug them, play with them, carry them in my arms, have "conversations" with them, communicate with them through visual eye contact, and telling them I love them one-by-one every day I could. The fact it was the two children who died first and not the parents who I had been more mentally prepared for is another blow through all of this.
I always knew I'd lose them one day. Death is an inevitability, but losing two in such close proximity, one of which came literally out of nowhere as he was fine one half hour but dead the next, has come as a massive blow to my psyche. They weren't "just pets" to me. They were family. Very close family. Having to pick up their toys and clean up their beds that were theirs that won't be used by them anymore is absolutely gut wrenching. I'm sure anyone who has had a long term pet die knows exactly how painful it is.

Writing is my hobby that I do, not only because I have fun with it, but also to cope with hard times as a sort of psuedo escape from reality, if briefly. However, I don't have much drive to do it at the moment. I don't want to "escape" from reality. I just want time to mourn and be with my two remaining kitties for now. Writing will be resumed eventually, but for now it's on hiatus until I have time to heal and clear my head.

I'll miss the both of them very much. I hope they are resting together in peace.